Dear CCAS Members, The CCAS Communications Committee is seeking self-nominations for; 1) Committee Chair 2) Editor of the Newsletter 3) Associate Editor of the Newsletter 4) Question of the … [Read More...]
CCAS is a society organized within the Society for Pediatric Anesthesia. The CCAS concept originated with cardiac anesthesia directors and other key leaders at major congenital heart disease programs, who believed there was a need for a new society because of rapid advancement of highly specialized knowledge in the field, and a great increase in the numbers of patients, including adults with congenital heart disease.
Question of the Week
An 18-year-old girl with a history of tricuspid atresia palliated with a Fontan presents for emergent craniotomy after a motor vehicle collision. The patient is treated with rivaroxaban for thromboprophylaxis. Which of the following medications is MOST appropriate to reverse the anticoagulant effects of rivaroxaban?
A. Andexanet alfa
B. Prothrombin complex concentrate
C. Idarucizumab